Mea culpa. I've not posted in a bit, and I've managed to totally lose track of posting my "beauties." It was a busy weekend, and a busy week. National Honor Society induction Monday night for CurlyBoy. Oh by the way, I've decided to give preciously cute nicknames to my family members, brazenly copying something I saw on another blog, just cuz I think it's cute and funny and I need to be cute and funny - it makes me feel good about myself . . . but I digress.
CurlyBoy is our 17 year old son. Anywho, NHS induction. Very proud parents. Weird experience. Many kids crossing the stage, and as the names are called, I am experiencing flashbacks to kindergarten graduation. That's how long he/we have known some of these kids.
This afternoon, CurlyBoy is leaving for Orlando on a school orchestra trip to Disney World. To say he's pumped would be an understatement. He has not flown since he was 5 1/2 and we went to Disney LAND (the one in California). He did not go on the orchestra trip last year, as it was to Branson, and he thought it was lame (we agreed, and were happy not to spend the $600).
This morning, I received a text message:
CurlyBoy: Hey most of my friends on plane 2 are getting out of school at like 2 (I am cracking up that even in a text, kids use "like")
Me: I will have to call and see if it is excused. How are you using your phone? (school rule is can't use phone or they will take it up)
CurlyBoy: I turned it on to text you in orchestra because we are not doing anything.
CurlyBoy: Parents are calling. I think it's good because it's halfway through 4th period and I'll have time to get snacks.
(I call the school attendance office, and after looking at his schedule and seeing that he'd just be leaving early from his Jazz Band Class (both his music classes are on the same day), she said she'd allow him to leave early and not count it against him. Whew. He and some other friends are making a run to the dollar store to load up on snacks for the plane and hotel room. All is right with the world now . . . )
Me: Okay, called and got permission for you to leave at 2. (I'm thinking to myself, man if he gets that phone taken up before this trip, I'm going to throttle him. Parents have to sign a form and pay $30 to get the phone back).
Should be big fun. Sorta wish I was going. I actually like hanging out with teenagers, and CurlyBoy's orchestra friends are mostly pretty cool kids.
Don't really have any beauties to speak of . . . watched Juno. Beautifully, brilliantly real script. Everything is getting green and there are many gorgeous azaeleas in my neighborhood. I washed my sheets yesterday and they were delightful to fall into last night. My first cup of coffee this morning tasted exceptionally delicious for some reason. I got nothin for touch. But this is not too bad. I guess if you spend a moment thinking about it, you can come up with beauties even when you thought there were none.
More to write later . . .